
me 2 (just something little come up from my mind...)

... ? = enjOy life?

..... the way i enjoying mine just simple....

...love the wOrld, love hk, love all beaUtiful ppl, scenes, matters, thinGs, natUre, reLationshiP.....

...my frienDS, how to enjoy yoUrs?

噚日去咗陳生老友屋企, 噢! 噢! 噢! 佢又upgrade咗音響 l0l

整咗部膽機啊!!!! 又有blue ray.... 加埋投射屏幕!!! 酷斃了!!!!! 我都寧願要音響多過要大屋, 但唔會愈陷愈深嘅, 夠用就得喇!

喺未有之前, 當然要多d利用吓d friend啦~




i enjoy alone
i love friends, families
i love 'love'
i like simple dinner, with juz a cocoa, salad
(but i don't like cold food & chinese steam vege.), black olives and ....
of cos.... desSert!!
i love reading, mUSic, WatchinG films
all theSe shOwing i'm juz a kidult again.
isn't it bad nOt grow up liKe the OtherS?
Should i enJoy life that simple
a fOreign ex-bOss saiD i'm the v. leSs cHinese that enjoyinG life...am i??
siGn...but i thiNk it's reaLLy against the rOle to be a mOther!!!
whAt can i do, fd?