
surprise may @ corner

life's good
can't imagine can meet
new, nice, fun & great ppl in my life now seems 'idle'
just met them in my best fd'S party
feeling exiting that those great ppl like me too
looking forward to meet them again

藍星奇 call me onCe she saw my dream diva SK & deity mr. Wong in her plaCe
really had fun w/some other oLd fdS +++
well...all thesE 2gether
what can i say abt my friEnDs??
just 'love u all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'

& think i feel these deeper cOs i haVe time to fEel them
Life's gOod to feel....
sO mOusSe, SxxKi, AnnXs, miCxx, Or, XooBi ++++ dOn't giVe up
I'll be with U

(HEY! don't laugh @me!! i know i'm old to say this)