

一排無見個炒蛋, 鏟skin head返嚟, 好爽喎!
但佢話, 去完跑步返屋企沖涼, 個頭皮好疼,發覺曬傷咗,曬傷個頭!! 我叫佢擦太陽油, 佢話好似擦頭臘未臘頭, 超難頂!! 咦!? 你又知...




we haVe moveD to yamatei almOst 2 monthS, eVerythiNG are very nice here, i have mORe time to Gather with friends & famiLy; aLso foR mySeLf.

a very nice birthday this year, honey 'half make' a chocOLate cake for me, that's rEaLLY niCe & waRm. And then v haD a reLax day whiCh i reALLy enJoyed

1 and haLf yeaR is coming very soon, i'm sO eaGeR to have a new job, hope my friendS and i Can geT a joB we want verY sOOn. on the other hand, congratulations to leonard, phoebe, andy, eddie....you guys promoted!